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        "gapcontinue": "Reuschel,_Helga._The_\"children's_judgment\"_in_the_Njala_and_Gunnlaugssaga",
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            "1239": {
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                "title": "Redwine, Bruce. Decorum and the expression of intention.",
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                        "*": "* '''Author''': Redwine, Bruce\n* '''Title''': Decorum and the expression of intention in \"Beowulf,\" \"Njals saga,\" and Chaucer\n* '''Place, Publisher''': Berkeley, University of California\n* '''Year''': 1984\n* '''E-text''': \n* '''Reference''': Redwine, Bruce. \"Decorum and the expression of intention in \"Beowulf,\" \"Njals saga,\" and Chaucer\". Diss. University of California, 1984.\n----\n* '''Key words''': \n\n==Annotation==\nText missing \n==L\u00fdsing==\nTexta vantar\n\n\n==See also==\n\n==References== \n\n==Links==\n\n* ''Written by:''  \n* ''Icelandic/English translation:''\n\n[[Category:Nj\u00e1ls saga]][[Category:Nj\u00e1ls saga:_Articles]][[Category:Authors]][[Category:All entries]]"
            "467": {
                "pageid": 467,
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                "title": "Reichardt, Konstantin. Die entstehungsgechichte von Egils H\u00f6fu\u00f0lausn",
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                        "*": "* '''Author''': Reichardt, Konstantin\n* '''Title''': Die entstehungsgeschichte von Egils H\u00f6fu\u00f0lausn\n* '''Published in''': ''Zeitschrift f\u00fcr deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur'' 66\n* '''Year''': 1929\n* '''Pages''':  267-72\n* '''E-text''': \n* '''Reference''': Reichardt, Konstantin. \"Die entstehungsgeschichte von Egils H\u00f6fu\u00f0lausn.\" ''Zeitschrift f\u00fcr deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur'' 66 (1929): 267\u201372.\n----\n* '''Key words''': poetry, history (kve\u00f0skapur, sagnfr\u00e6\u00f0i)\n\n\n\n==Annotation== \nText missing\n==L\u00fdsing==\n\nH\u00f6fundur efast um a\u00f0 fr\u00e1s\u00f6gn Eglu af H\u00f6fu\u00f0lausn s\u00e9 s\u00f6gulega r\u00e9tt af \u00fev\u00ed a\u00f0 \u00fea\u00f0 s\u00e9 \u00f3l\u00edklegt a\u00f0 Egill myndi gera \u201ebragfr\u00e6\u00f0ilega tilraun\u201c vi\u00f0 svona alvarlegar a\u00f0st\u00e6\u00f0ur. \u00dear sem Egill var \u00ed g\u00f3\u00f0u sambandi vi\u00f0 A\u00f0alstein Englandskonung og \u00feurfti hinsvegar ekki a\u00f0 \u00f3ttast Eir\u00edk lengur, s\u00fdnist h\u00f6fundinum l\u00edklegast a\u00f0 Egill hafi umor\u00f0a\u00f0 kv\u00e6\u00f0i \u00ed J\u00f3rv\u00edk sem hann haf\u00f0i sami\u00f0 \u00e1 \u00cdslandi fyrir annan konung. Honum finnst l\u00edklegt a\u00f0 upprunalega kv\u00e6\u00f0i\u00f0 hafi veri\u00f0 sami\u00f0 undir dr\u00f3ttkv\u00e6\u00f0um h\u00e6tti og veri\u00f0 svo breytt \u00ed runhendu, sem var algengur bragarh\u00e1ttur \u00ed Englandi, til a\u00f0 vekja hrifningu A\u00f0alsteins og nj\u00f3ta vins\u00e6lda \u00e1 Englandi. \u00deegar Egill lendi hj\u00e1 Eir\u00edki ney\u00f0ist hann til a\u00f0 umor\u00f0a dr\u00e1puna.\n\n==See also==\n\n\n==References== \n\n[[Egla,_62|Chapter 62]]: '''Hl\u00f3\u00f0 eg m\u00e6ta hlut''': \"Die beiden ersten strophen des gedichtes selbst stehn im\ngegensatz zur sagaprosa. alle versuche diese gegens\u00e4tze zu beheben, sind als\nmisgl\u00fcckt [sic] zu bezeichnen\" (p. 268).\n\n==Links==\n\n* ''Written by:'' Johannes Muellerlei\n* ''English translation:'' \n\n[[Category:Egils saga]][[Category:Egils saga:_Articles]][[Category:Authors]][[Category:Poetry]][[Category:History]][[Category:All entries]]"