Lie, Hallvard. Egil Skallagrimsson’s livsaften: Difference between revisions

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Hallvard Lie discusses his translation of ''Egils saga'' to Norwegian and pays special attention to his choice of name for the last chapter “Egil eldes og dør” (Egill grows old and dies), which he now regrets. The reasons for Lie’s regret are Egill’s own words; in his last poems Egill seems to embrace his old age with good humor, his body deteriorates but his spirit does not. At the same time Lie presumes that others may have misinterpreted the saga because of wrong reading of the poems in Íslensk fornrit. In the first epigram where Egill describes his decrepit body his head does not sway, like Sigurður Nordal stated, rather the poet carries him self like a horse, with his head bowed down; that is the reason for him falling head first in the poem. This line is ambiguous as the next ''kenning'' indicates: „blautr erum bergis fótar borr“. Lie says he misunderstood the following poems in the saga due to his reliance on Sigurður’s editions from 1933.

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* ''Written by:'' Álfdís Þorleifsdóttir
* ''Written by:'' Álfdís Þorleifsdóttir
* ''Icelandic/English translation:''  
* ''English translation:'' Andri M. Kristjánsson

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Latest revision as of 09:29, 29 August 2016

  • Author: Lie, Hallvard
  • Title: Egil Skallagrimsson’s livsaften. Et semifilologisk kåseri
  • Published in: Festskrift til Finn Hødnebø.
  • Editors: Bjørn Eithun et al.
  • Place, Publisher: Oslo: Novus
  • Year: 1989
  • Pages: 180-92
  • E-text:
  • Reference: Lie, Hallvard. "Egil Skallagrimsson’s livsaften. Et semifilologisk kåseri." Festskrift til Finn Hødnebø, pp. 180-92. Eds. Bjørn Eithun et al. Oslo: Novus, 1989.

  • Key words: translation, poetry (þýðingar, kveðskapur)


Hallvard Lie discusses his translation of Egils saga to Norwegian and pays special attention to his choice of name for the last chapter “Egil eldes og dør” (Egill grows old and dies), which he now regrets. The reasons for Lie’s regret are Egill’s own words; in his last poems Egill seems to embrace his old age with good humor, his body deteriorates but his spirit does not. At the same time Lie presumes that others may have misinterpreted the saga because of wrong reading of the poems in Íslensk fornrit. In the first epigram where Egill describes his decrepit body his head does not sway, like Sigurður Nordal stated, rather the poet carries him self like a horse, with his head bowed down; that is the reason for him falling head first in the poem. This line is ambiguous as the next kenning indicates: „blautr erum bergis fótar borr“. Lie says he misunderstood the following poems in the saga due to his reliance on Sigurður’s editions from 1933.


Höfundur fjallar um þýðingu sína á Egils sögu á norsku, sérstaklega kaflaheitið á lokakaflanum sem hann valdi að kalla „Egil eldes og dør“ en hefur síðan séð eftir þessari túlkun á lokum bókarinnar. Því eftir því sem Egill sjálfur segir um sín síðustu ár í kvæðum sínum virðist hann sjálfur hafa ágætan húmor fyrir sjálfum sér. Líkaminn hrörnar en ekki andinn. Jafnframt telur Lie að aðrir hafi mistúlkað söguna þar sem í útgáfu Íslenskra fornrita hafi vísurnar ekki verið rétt lesnar. Í fyrstu lausavísunni þar sem Egill lýsir líkamlegri hrörnun sinni riði ekki höfð Egils, líkt og Sigurður Nordal taldi, heldur lýsi skáldið því að hann beri sig að líkt og hestur, með höfuðið sveigt fram. Því fer hann með höfuðið fyrst þegar hann hrasar. Þetta má þá lesa tvírætt eins og næsta kenning gefur til kynna: „blautr erum bergis fótar borr“. Lie segist jafnframt hafa misskilið næstu vísur þar sem hann hafi áfram treyst leshætti og túlkun Nordals í útgáfunni frá 1933.

See also




  • Written by: Álfdís Þorleifsdóttir
  • English translation: Andri M. Kristjánsson