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''Egils saga'' is analysed here regarding what is known on the culture of norsemen in pagan times. Such “antiquities” can be found in several places in the ''íslendingasögur'', on the one hand in authorial insertions, where the practices are explained with indications on customs or the old law from the time of the sagas, on the other hand in words and actions of persons in the sagas. Research  on paganism in ''Egils saga'' shows a clear relation with other sagas, though the saga is also special, because in it there is no dream lore, and because more is said about drinking, magic and mythology, than in any other ''íslendingasögur''. Egill’s faith in Óðinn is discussed , and Sigurður Nordal’s assertions that Egill was brought up with a big devotion towards Þórr, and that Þórr had principally been a god of farmers is contradicted. Egill is nevertheless clearly a man of Óðinn, but this is manifested most in his ''vísur''. The amazing strength, frenzy and shape-shifting abilities of Egill and his forefathers are touched upon, as well as the magical lore that Egill has probably learned from the servant Brák.
''Egils saga'' is analysed here regarding what is known on the culture of norsemen in pagan times. Such “antiquities” can be found in several places in the ''íslendingasögur'', on the one hand in authorial insertions, where the practices are explained with indications on customs or the old law from the time of the sagas, on the other hand in words and actions of persons in the sagas. Research  on paganism in ''Egils saga'' shows a clear relation with other sagas, though the saga is also special, because in it there is no dream lore, and because more is said about drinking, magic and mythology, than in any other ''íslendingasögur''. Egill’s faith in Óðinn is discussed, and Sigurður Nordal’s assertions that Egill was brought up with a big devotion towards Þórr, and that Þórr had principally been a god of farmers is contradicted. Egill is nevertheless clearly a man of Óðinn, but this is manifested most in his ''vísur''. The amazing strength, frenzy and shape-shifting abilities of Egill and his forefathers are touched upon, as well as the magical lore that Egill has probably learned from the servant Brák.


Latest revision as of 11:24, 19 July 2016

  • Author: Hermann Pálsson
  • Title: Fornfræði Egils sögu
  • Published in: Skírnir 168 (Spring)
  • Year: 1994
  • Pages: 37-72
  • E-text:
  • Reference: Hermann Pálsson. "Fornfræði Egils sögu." Skírnir 168 (Spring 1994): 37-72.

  • Key words: religion, social reality, mythology (trúarbrögð, samfélagsmynd, goðsagnir)


Egils saga is analysed here regarding what is known on the culture of norsemen in pagan times. Such “antiquities” can be found in several places in the íslendingasögur, on the one hand in authorial insertions, where the practices are explained with indications on customs or the old law from the time of the sagas, on the other hand in words and actions of persons in the sagas. Research on paganism in Egils saga shows a clear relation with other sagas, though the saga is also special, because in it there is no dream lore, and because more is said about drinking, magic and mythology, than in any other íslendingasögur. Egill’s faith in Óðinn is discussed, and Sigurður Nordal’s assertions that Egill was brought up with a big devotion towards Þórr, and that Þórr had principally been a god of farmers is contradicted. Egill is nevertheless clearly a man of Óðinn, but this is manifested most in his vísur. The amazing strength, frenzy and shape-shifting abilities of Egill and his forefathers are touched upon, as well as the magical lore that Egill has probably learned from the servant Brák.


Egils saga greind út frá því sem vitað er um menningu norrænna manna í heiðnum sið. Slíka „fornfræði“ má finna á ýmsum stöðum í Íslendingasögunum, annars vegar í innskotum söguhöfundar, þar sem atburðir eru skýrðir með vísunum í siðvenjur eða forn lög frá sögutíma, hins vegar af orðum og athöfnum persónanna í sögunum. Rannsóknir á heiðni í Eglu sýni glöggan skyldleika með öðrum sögum, þó að sagan sé einnig einstæð, því í henni er engin draumafræði, en því meira fjallað um drykkjur, fjölkynngi og goðafræði, meira en í nokkrum öðrum Íslendingasögum. Fjallað er um Óðinstrú Egils og andæft þeirri staðhæfingu Sigurðar Nordals að Egill hafi alist upp við mikla Þórsdýrkun og að Þór hafi aðallega verið guð bænda. Egill sé þó bersýnilega Óðinsmaður en það komi einna best fram í vísum hans. Þá er fjallað um hamremmi Egils og forfeðra hans, jafnframt því sem rætt er um fjölkynngi sem Egill hafi að öllum líkindum numið af ambáttinni Brák.

See also



  • Written by: Álfdís Þorleifsdóttir
  • English translation: Ermenegilda Müller