Miller, William Ian. Kari and Friends: Chapters 145–55
- Author: Miller, William Ian
- Title: Kari and Friends: Chapters 145–55
- Published in: Why Is Your Axe Bloody?: A Reading of Njáls Saga
- Place, Publisher: New York: Oxford University Press
- Year: 2014
- Pages: 276-93
- E-text:
- Reference: Miller, William Ian. Why Is Your Axe Bloody?: A Reading of Njáls Saga. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Key words:
The chapter begins with a legal and literary analysis of the agreement achieved through arbitration that follows the battle at the Alþingi, and Síðu-Hallr‘s waiving of compensation for the death of his son and subsequent reward. Miller then explains Kári and Þorgeirr skorargeirr’s continued vengeance against the burners as their need to balance both sides’ death toll, and why Kári insists that Þorgeirr accept Síðu-Hallr‘s offer of a settlement. Björn í Mörk‘s character and comic role in the saga are than evaluated favorably. Miller then looks at Kári‘s grief, suggests that Kári’s violence is a response to “survivor’s guilt”, and compares Kári and Gunnarr, offering that their differences stem from them operating in different genres. The chapter than concludes with Miller explaining Flosi and Njáls saga’s author’s appreciation of Kári.
See also
- Written by: Yoav Tirosh
- Icelandic/English translation: