Ólafur Ólafsson. Hallgerður Höskuldsdóttir: Difference between revisions

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In this article, Ólafur argues that the hostility between Hallgerd and Bergthora was initated by the latter, when Hallgerd and Gunnar were invited to a banquet at Bergthorshváll. This ill will between the two women led to the death of many. Ólafur believes that the author of Njála was biased towards Hallgerd and added incorrect information about her to make her look like the villain. Ólafur also believes that the author used folktales to defame her and thinks her character has been much misunderstood.
In this article, Ólafur argues that the hostility between Hallgerd and Bergthora was initated by the latter, when Hallgerd and Gunnar were invited to a banquet at Bergthorshvol. This ill will between the two women led to the death of many. Ólafur believes that the author of Njála was biased towards Hallgerd and added incorrect information about her to make her look like the villain. Ólafur also believes that the author used untrue tales to defame her and thinks her character has been much misunderstood.


Latest revision as of 13:01, 8 January 2016

  • Author: Ólafur Ólafsson
  • Title: Hallgerður Höskuldsdóttir - útvarpserindi
  • Published in: Jörð 3/1
  • Place, Publisher: Akureyri
  • Year: 1933
  • Pages: 138-55
  • E-text: timarit.is
  • Reference: Ólafur Ólafsson. „Hallgerður Höskuldsdóttir“. Jörð 3/1 (1933): 138–55.

  • Key words: characterisation (persónusköpun)


In this article, Ólafur argues that the hostility between Hallgerd and Bergthora was initated by the latter, when Hallgerd and Gunnar were invited to a banquet at Bergthorshvol. This ill will between the two women led to the death of many. Ólafur believes that the author of Njála was biased towards Hallgerd and added incorrect information about her to make her look like the villain. Ólafur also believes that the author used untrue tales to defame her and thinks her character has been much misunderstood.


Samkvæmt greininni telur Ólafur að fjandskapur þeirra Hallgerðar Höskuldsdóttur og Bergþóru Skarphéðinsdóttur hafi byrjað í veislu þeirri er Njáll og Bergþóra héldu til heiðurs Gunnari og Hallgerði. Þessi illdeila leiddi til mikilla mannvíga og annarra harma. Ólafur telur Bergþóru eiga sök á þessum fjandskap, þó að Hallgerður sé látin líta út fyrir að vera höfuðpaurinn í deilunum. Hann telur höfund Njálu vera hlutdrægan og jafnvel koma með rangar og staðlausar ásakanir á hendur Hallgerði. Jafnframt telur hann að höfundurinn hafi notað „þvættingssögur“ (s. 146) til að ófrægja hana og að hún hafi verið misskilin í gegnum tíðina.

See also


Chapter 34: fengsöm og atkvæðamikil: „Eftir brúðkaupsveizluna á Hlíðarenda tekur Hallgerður við búsforráðum á Hlíðarenda; segir Njála, að hún hafi verið „fengsöm ok atkvæðamikil“. Sagan mundi ekki draga fjöður yfir það, ef húsmóðurstörfin hefðu farið Hallgerði illa úr hendi“ (p. 148).

Chapter 77: til bogastrengs mér: „Svona er saga Njálu um bogastrenginn, og það þarf ekki að leggjast djúpt til að sjá það, að þetta er allt skáldskapur og þjóðsaga frá upphafi til enda og meira að segja lélegur skáldskapur“ (p. 152).


  • Written by: Margrét J. Gisladóttir
  • Icelandic/English translation: Margrét J. Gisladóttir