Jochens, Jenny. Race and Ethnicity Among Medieval Norwegians and Icelanders.

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  • Author: Jochens, Jenny.
  • Title: Race and Ethnicity Among Medieval Nerwegians and Icelanders.
  • Published in: Sagas and the Norwegian Experience. Preprints of the 10th International Saga Conference.
  • Place, Publisher: Trondheim: NTNU Noregs teknisk-naturvitskaplege universitet.
  • Year: 1997
  • Pages: 313-322
  • E-text: Full-text
  • Reference: Jochens, Jenny. "Race and Etnhicity Among Medial Norwegians and Icelanders." Sagas and the Norwegian Experience. Preprints of the 10th International Saga Conference. (1997): pp. 313-322. Trondheim: NTNU Noregs teknisk-naturvitskaplege universitet.

  • Key words:


In the article, Jochens discusses difference in looks and other ethnic features of the medieval peoples of Norway and Iceland. She uses Egill Skalla-Grímsson and his family as an example of what she calls the black/white or blond/dark dichotomy, by which she means the difference in the looks and nature of the brothers Skalla-Grímur and Þórólfur, sons of Kveldúlfur. She then points out that their great-grandfather was Úlfur óargi and their great-uncle Hallbjörn hálftröll (or half-troll). These forefathers were, according to Jochens, the reason for Kveldúlfr´s night-time fits and the looks and nature of Skalla-Grímur and his son, Egill.


Greinin fjallar um mismunandi útlit og þjóðerniseinkenni í Noregi og á Íslandi á miðöldum. Jochens tekur Egil Skalla-Grímsson og fjölskyldu hans sem dæmi um tvískiptingu útlits í svart/hvítt eða ljóst/dökkt, en þar á hún við mismunandi útlit og náttúru bræðranna Skalla-Gríms og Þórólfs Kveldúlfssona. Hún bendir á að langafi bræðrana hafi verið Úlfur óargi og ömmubróðir þeirra Hallbjörn hálftröll. Þetta hafi verið ástæða fyrir berserksgangi Kveldúlfs og útliti og náttúru Skalla-Gríms og sonar hans, Egils.

See also



  • Written by: Hildur Ýr Ísberg
  • English translation: Hildur Ýr Ísberg