Rafn, Charles C. Connection of the Northmen with the East

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  • Author: Rafn, Charles C.
  • Title: Connection of the Northmen with the East
  • Published in: Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society 1/7
  • Year: 1859
  • Pages: 202-203
  • E-text: JSTOR
  • Reference: Rafn, Charles C. "Connection of the Northmen with the East." Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society 1/7 (1859): 202-203.

  • Key words: history, social reality (sagnfræði, samfélagsmynd)


Rafn argues that the Northmen who discovered and colonized Iceland during the 9th century were also present and active in the East. He uses the evidence of Scandinavian place-names in the East to illustrate the extent of Northern influence. Rafn also discusses the various ways the Northmen gained power throughout the East, including royal ties and service in the Imperial Guard. In essence, the idea of being something like ‘weapons for hire’ as well as obtaining an Eastern upbringing gave the Northmen a powerful social influence and import in the East. Another point that Rafn uses as evidence are rune stones, and details in the sagas that speak of Eastern travels and the importance of the men who journeyed into the far East. He refers specifically to Egil’s Saga that contains descriptions of Egil and Thorolf in Courland.


Rafn heldur því fram að þeir norrænu menn sem námu land á Íslandi á 9. öld hafi samhliða haldið í austurveg. Hann rökstyður þetta með tilvísan til norrænna örnefna í Austur-Evrópu. Hann ræðir líka ýmsar þær leiðir sem norrænir menn nýttu sér til að öðlast ítök í austurvegi, meðal annars með tengslum sínum við hirðir og þjónustu sinni í lífvarðasveit Miklagarðskeisara. Með því að starfa sem "málaliðar" og laga sig að austrænum lífsháttum öfluðu Væringjarnir sér valda og virðingar. Rafn notar líka rúnasteina sem heimildir, og vísar í sögur sem lýsa ferðalögum austur á bóginn og mikilvægi þeirra manna sem þangað fóru. Hann ræðir sérstaklega lýsingar Egils sögu á ferðum Egils og Þórólfs til Kúrlands.

See also



  • Written by: Ashlie McDougall
  • Icelandic translation: Jón Karl Helgason