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The exhumation in Egils saga is contrasted with exhumations in other sagas, such as Grettis saga, Laxdæla saga and Eyrbyggja saga, as well as the exhumation of saints, such as Jón helgi the bishop of Hólar. All of the accounts have it in common that the bones are transferred from consecrated earth to a new churchyard because the church has moved (except in Laxdæla saga, where the bones of a völva are moved from the churchyard and deposited far away from the road). Egill was originally buried in a grave mound, then transferred under the altar of the church in Hrísbrú and then taken from there when the church has been moved. The size and hardness of his skull has been tested and then he was transferred to the edge of the new cemetery in Mosfell. The size and hardness of old bones is also discussed in Grettis saga, Magnúss saga hins góða in Heimskringla as well as in one of the manuscripts of Ólafs sagu helga by Snorri.

Revision as of 11:52, 9 November 2015

  • Author: Bjarni Einarsson
  • Title: Hörð höfuðbein
  • Published in: Mælt mál og forn kvæði. Safn ritgerða eftir Bjarna Einarsson gefið út á sjötugsafmæli hans 11. apríl 1987
  • Editor: Sigurgeir Steingrímsson
  • Place, Publisher: Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar
  • Year: 1987
  • Pages: 107-15
  • E-text:
  • Reference: Bjarni Einarsson. "Hörð höfuðbein." Mælt mál og forn kvæði. Safn ritgerða eftir Bjarna Einarsson gefið út á sjötugsafmæli hans 11. apríl 1987, pp. 107-15. Ed. Sigurgeir Steingrímsson. Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, 1987.

  • Key words: religion, intertextuality, natural sciences (textatengsl, trúarbrögð, náttúrufræði)


The exhumation in Egils saga is contrasted with exhumations in other sagas, such as Grettis saga, Laxdæla saga and Eyrbyggja saga, as well as the exhumation of saints, such as Jón helgi the bishop of Hólar. All of the accounts have it in common that the bones are transferred from consecrated earth to a new churchyard because the church has moved (except in Laxdæla saga, where the bones of a völva are moved from the churchyard and deposited far away from the road). Egill was originally buried in a grave mound, then transferred under the altar of the church in Hrísbrú and then taken from there when the church has been moved. The size and hardness of his skull has been tested and then he was transferred to the edge of the new cemetery in Mosfell. The size and hardness of old bones is also discussed in Grettis saga, Magnúss saga hins góða in Heimskringla as well as in one of the manuscripts of Ólafs sagu helga by Snorri.


Beinataka Egils sögu borin saman við beinatökur í öðrum sögum, m.a. Grettis sögu, Laxdælu og Eyrbyggju, en einnig upptöku heilagra manna, líkt og Jóns helga Hólabiskups. Frásagnirnar eiga það allar sameiginlegt að fjalla um flutning beina úr vígðum reit og í nýjan kirkjugarð vegna kirkjuflutnings (nema Laxdæla, þar sem bein völvu eru flutt úr kirkjugarði og lengst burt frá þjóðbraut). Egill var upphaflega heygður, síðan færður undir altari kirkjunnar að Hrísbrú og síðan tekinn upp þaðan þegar kirkjan var færð. Stærð og harka höfuðbeina hans var sannprófuð og hann síðan færður í utanverðan kirkjugarð á nýja kirkjustaðnum að Mosfelli. Stærð og harka fornra beina er einnig til umræðu í Grettis sögu, Magnúss sögu hins góða í Heimskringlu og í einu handriti Ólafs sögu helga hinnar sérstöku eftir Snorra.

See also


Chapter 89: Skafti prestur: ,„Skapti er [...] á skrá um kynborna presta frá 1143. Það væri í samræmi við ýmsar aðrar klóklegar aðferðir Eglu-höfundar við að gjöra sögu sína sennilega að bendla merkan prest frá næstliðinni öld við þessa ósennilegu beinaupptöku og lýsingu“ (p. 111).


  • Written by: Álfdís Þorleifsdóttir
  • English translation: