Hollander, Lee M.. The Battle on the Vin-Heath and the Battle of the Huns

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  • Author: Hollander, Lee M.
  • Title: The Battle on the Vin-Heath and the Battle of the Huns
  • Published in: The Journal of English and German Philology 32
  • Year: 1933
  • Pages: 33-43
  • E-text:
  • Reference: Hollander, Lee M. "The Battle on the Vin-Heath and the Battle of the Huns." The Journal of English and German Philology 32 (1933): 33–43.

  • Key words: history, topography, literary elements (sagnfræði, staðfræði, bókmenntaleg einkenni)


Examines accounts of the Battle of Brunanburh in Old Norse literature, using Egils saga as the key text. Events of the battle are recounted, but Hollander points out that compared with the rest of Egils saga, this account is uncharacteristically unrealistic. Hollander highlights key folk-tale and fornaldarsögur characteristics of the account.


Hollander kannar lýsingar á orustunni við Brunanburh í fornnorrænum bókmenntum og notar þar Egils sögu sem höfuðheimild. Orustunni er vissulega lýst í Eglu en að mati Hollander eru þær lýsingar óraunsærri en ýmsar aðrar sambærilegar lýsingar sögunnar. Vill hann skýra það með áhrifum frá þjóðsögum og fornaldarsögum á frásögnina.

See also


Chapter 52: her manns: "[This section of the saga] abounds in passages of conventionalized epic narrative signally lacking the tang of reality for which the saga is famed” (p. 36).


  • Written by: Jane Appleton
  • Icelandic translation: Jón Karl Helgason