Poole, Russell. Introduction

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  • Author: Poole, Russell
  • Title: Introduction: Egil, The Viking Poet: New Approaches to Egil's Saga
  • Published in: Egil, The Viking Poet: New Approaches to 'Egil's Saga'
  • Editors: De Looze, Laurence. Jón Karl Helgason. Poole, Russell. Torfi H. Tulinius
  • Place, Publisher: Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division
  • Year: 2015
  • Pages: 3-20
  • E-text:
  • Reference: Poole, Russell. "Introduction: Egil, The Viking Poet: New Approaches to Egil's Saga." Egil, The Viking Poet: New Approaches to 'Egil's Saga' , pp. 3-20. Eds. Laurence De Looze, Jón Karl Helgason, Russell Poole, Torfi H. Tulinius. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015.

  • Key words:


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Poole lýsir lífi Egils og notar það sem dæmi til að fjalla um hegðun víkinga. Hann ber eðli Óðins saman við eðli Egíls. Frá unga aldri til dauða sýnir Egíll tilhneigningu til að vera sannkallaður víkingur. Löngun hans til að fara í víking, dráp hans á tveimur drengjum og skáldahæfileikar eru sannanir fyrir víkingskap hans. Poole nefnir líka aðra víkingana í sögunni, einkum þá Kveld-Úlf, Skalla-Grím og Þórólf, til að sanna að Egils saga kynni fyrir lesendum ákveðin persónueinkenni víkinganna. Í lok inngangsins segir hann líka frá efni bókarinnar Egil, The Viking Poet.

See also


Chapter 40: rak öxina í höfuð honum: "Once again, the child is the father of the man, and the man will be a doughty warrior. Given that Egil kills two older males by age twelve, it is clear that childhood was constructed differently in those days" (p. 4).

Chapter 85: sé heldur skökk: "Old age and decrepitude have not cost Egil his tenacity and he summons up all his old legal wizardry to protect Thorstein’s interests when Thorstein himself proves incapable." (p. 8).


  • Written by: Karolina Maria Wojtuszkiewicz
  • Icelandic/English translation: Karolina Maria Wojtuszkiewicz