Särndal, Carl-Erik. On Deciding Cases of Disputed Authorship

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  • Author: Särndal, Carl-Erik
  • Title: On Deciding Cases of Disputed Authorship
  • Published in: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) 16/3
  • Year: 1967
  • Pages: 251-68
  • E-text:
  • Reference: Särndal, Carl-Erik. "On Deciding Cases of Disputed Authorship." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) 16/3 (1967): 251-68.

  • Key words: authorship (höfundur)


Särndal compares the approach of Mosteller and Wallace in their 1964 study of the authorship of the Federalist Papers to that employed in three Swedish cases where the author of a text or texts is disputed, including a study by Hallberg (1962) of the authorship of Egils saga. The Swedish studies differ from that of Mosteller and Wallace in that they focus on rare words rather than common ones; they also "tend to form their opinion as to what constitutes a discriminating word by a comparison in which the disputed text itself takes part" (p. 256).


Särndal ber saman rannsóknir Mosteller og Wallace á höfundarskap bandarísku Federalist-skjalanna frá 1964 saman við þrjár sænskar rannsóknir þar sem deilt er um höfund efnis, þar á meðal rannsókn Peter Hallbergs frá 1962 á höfundarskap Eglu. Sænsku fræðimennirnir eru ólíkir Mosteller og Wallace að því leyti að þeir leggja áherslu á fátíð orð fremur en þau sem eru algengari; þeir virðast einnig móta skoðanir sínar á því hvaða orð séu marktæk til að gera greinarmun með samanburði þar sem hinn umdeildi texti leikur stórt hlutverk.

See also




  • Written by: Katelin Parsons
  • Icelandic translation: Jón Karl Helgason