Torfi H. Tulinius. Hvað er Egils saga?: Difference between revisions

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In this chapter, Tulinius discusses the purpose of Egil´s saga. He points out that the work has, like other Icelandic sagas, no prologue, and it is therefore difficult to understand how the author wanted the work perceived. He compares the Icelandic sagas to the kings´sagas and discusses the purpose of poetry in both. He claims that Egil´s saga is a fictional work that the author based on narratives both connected to the real Egill and not connected to him that are used to build the structure that became the saga as we know it today. Tulinius then reiterates the importance of intertextual relations as a tool to interpret the saga and claims it is important that the reader is well versed in interpreting the bible and skaldic poetry if he wants to gain full understanding to the saga.


Revision as of 14:04, 13 July 2012

  • Author: Torfi H. Tulinius
  • Title: Skáldið í skriftinni. Snorri Sturluson og Egils saga
  • Place, Publisher: Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, ReykjavíkurAkademían
  • Year: 2004
  • E-text:
  • Reference: Torfi H. Tulinius. Skáldið í skriftinni. Snorri Sturluson og Egils saga. Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, ReykjavíkurAkademían.

  • Key words:


In this chapter, Tulinius discusses the purpose of Egil´s saga. He points out that the work has, like other Icelandic sagas, no prologue, and it is therefore difficult to understand how the author wanted the work perceived. He compares the Icelandic sagas to the kings´sagas and discusses the purpose of poetry in both. He claims that Egil´s saga is a fictional work that the author based on narratives both connected to the real Egill and not connected to him that are used to build the structure that became the saga as we know it today. Tulinius then reiterates the importance of intertextual relations as a tool to interpret the saga and claims it is important that the reader is well versed in interpreting the bible and skaldic poetry if he wants to gain full understanding to the saga.


Í þessum kafla veltir Torfi fyrir sér hver tilgangur Egils sögu sé. Hann bendir á að verkið hafi, líkt og aðrar Íslendingasögur, engan formála og því sé torvelt að skilja hvernig höfundur hafi ætlast til að verkið væri skilið. Hann ber Íslendingasögurnar saman við konungasögurnar og ræðir tilgang skáldskapar í konungasögum annars vegar og Íslendingasögum hins vegar. Hann segir að Egils saga sé tilbúningur höfundar, frásagnir, tengdar og ótengdar hinum raunverulega Agli, spunnar í byggingu sem varð svo að sögunni eins og við þekkjum hana í dag. Torfi hnykkir svo á aðferðum textatengslanna til að túlka Egils sögu og segir mikilvægt að lesandinn sé vel að sér í biblíutúlkun og túlkun dróttkvæða, eigi hann að öðlast fullan skilning á sögunni.

See also



  • Written by:Hildur Ýr Ísberg
  • English translation: Hildur Ýr Ísberg