Miller, William Ian. The Burning: Chapters 124–32

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  • Author: Miller, William Ian
  • Title: The Burning: Chapters 124–32
  • Published in: Why Is Your Axe Bloody?: A Reading of Njáls Saga
  • Place, Publisher: New York: Oxford University Press
  • Year: 2014
  • Pages: 222-47
  • E-text:
  • Reference: Miller, William Ian. Why Is Your Axe Bloody?: A Reading of Njáls Saga. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

  • Key words:


Miller begins the chapter by describing both sides’ preparations for the attack. He then analyses the logic behind Njáll advocating that his sons defend from inside rather than outside. Njáll, argues Miller, wants his sons inside the house because he wants them to burn, and he wants them to be obedient to his commands again. However, he still wants that himself and his wife, and by necessity his sons as well, be avenged. Miller then discusses the taking-to-bed ritual and how Njáll manipulates it to incite vengeance. Skarpheðinn‘s death and character are also discussed at length, as are Flosi and Þórhallr Ásgrímsson‘s characters post-burning. The chapter ends with a few further comments about the burning, and then a summarization of the family dynamics in Bergþórshvoll that led to the killing of Höskuldr and to the burning.


Miller byrjar kaflann á því að lýsa undirbúningi beggja fylkinga fyrir árásina og greinir rökvísina á bak við ákvörðun Njáls um að verjast innandyra frekar en utandyra. Hann segir Njáll vilji að synir sínir brenni og að hann viljir að þeir hlýði skipunum hans á ný, aftur á móti vill hann að einhver hefni fyrir verknaðinn. Í framhaldinu ræðir hann hvernig Njáll notfærir sér minnið um að leggjast í rekkju til þess að hvetja aðra til hefnda. Fjallað er um persónu Skarphéðins og dauða hans í smáatriðum sem og hegðun Flosa og Þórhalls Ásgrímssonar eftir brennuna. Kaflinn endar á athugasemdum um brennuna sjálfa og samantekt á spennunni innan fjölskyldunnar að Bergþórshvoli sem leiddi til dauða Höskuldar.

See also


Chapter 129: lítt til búinn að hefna sona minna; „ Njal wants his sons dead, he wants them obedient as they had always been except for one rebellious deed, and he wants them avenged; or more precisely, he wants his own and Bergthora’s deaths avenged, and knows that it will be impossible not to have those vengeances also accrue to his sons.“ (p. 231).


  • Written by: Yoav Tirosh
  • Icelandic translation: Andri M. Kristjánsson