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==Chapter 35==
==Chapter 35==
'''Thorolf goes abroad'''
Thora bare a child in the summer; it was a girl. She was sprinkled with water, and named Asgerdr. Bera got a woman to look after the girl. Bjorn stayed for the winter with Skallagrim as did all his shipmates. Thorolf struck up a friendship with Bjorn, and was ever in his company. But when spring came, one day Thorolf had a talk with his father, and asked him what counsel he would give about Bjorn his winter guest, or what help he would lend him. Grim asked Thorolf what Bjorn had in view.
'I think,' said Thorolf, 'that Bjorn would soonest go to Norway, if he could be there in peace. Methinks, father, this plan lies before us, that you send men to Norway to offer atonement for Bjorn; Thorir will greatly honour your word.'
Thorolf by his persuasion so managed that Skallagrim yielded and gave men for the outward voyage that summer. These went with message and tokens to Thorir Hroaldsson, and sought atonement between him and Bjorn. But no sooner did Brynjolf hear this than he, too, set his whole mind to offer atonement for Bjorn. And the end of this matter was that Thorir took atonement for Bjorn, because he saw that it had come to this now that Bjorn had nothing to fear. Thus Brynjolf got atonement accepted for Bjorn, and Skallagrim's messengers abode with Thorir for the winter. In the summer following they went back; and on their coming back in autumn they told their tidings that Bjorn was admitted to atonement in Norway. Bjorn was with Skallagrim for yet a third winter. But next spring he made him ready for departure with his following. And when Bjorn was ready for going, then Bera said she would fain have Asgerdr, her foster-child, left-behind. This Bjorn accepted, and the girl was left behind and brought up with Skallagrim's family. Thorolf, Skallagrim's son, settled to go with Bjorn, and Skallagrim gave him mean for the journey. So he went abroad in the summer with Bjorn. Their voyage sped well, and they came off the main into Sogn-sea. Bjorn then sailed into Sogn, and thence on home to his father, and Thorolf with him. Brynjolf received them joyfully. Then word was sent to Thorir Hroaldsson. He and Brynjolf set a time for a meeting; to this meeting Bjorn also came. He and Thorir there ratified their atonement. Then Thorir paid out of hand such property in his house as belonged to Thora; and thereafter Thorir and Bjorn were good brothers-in-law and friends. Bjorn then stayed at home at Aurland with Brynjolf, Thorolf also being there in much favour both with father and son.
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==Kafli 35==
==Kafli 35==
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Revision as of 08:52, 11 November 2011

Chapter 35

Thorolf goes abroad

Thora bare a child in the summer; it was a girl. She was sprinkled with water, and named Asgerdr. Bera got a woman to look after the girl. Bjorn stayed for the winter with Skallagrim as did all his shipmates. Thorolf struck up a friendship with Bjorn, and was ever in his company. But when spring came, one day Thorolf had a talk with his father, and asked him what counsel he would give about Bjorn his winter guest, or what help he would lend him. Grim asked Thorolf what Bjorn had in view.

'I think,' said Thorolf, 'that Bjorn would soonest go to Norway, if he could be there in peace. Methinks, father, this plan lies before us, that you send men to Norway to offer atonement for Bjorn; Thorir will greatly honour your word.'

Thorolf by his persuasion so managed that Skallagrim yielded and gave men for the outward voyage that summer. These went with message and tokens to Thorir Hroaldsson, and sought atonement between him and Bjorn. But no sooner did Brynjolf hear this than he, too, set his whole mind to offer atonement for Bjorn. And the end of this matter was that Thorir took atonement for Bjorn, because he saw that it had come to this now that Bjorn had nothing to fear. Thus Brynjolf got atonement accepted for Bjorn, and Skallagrim's messengers abode with Thorir for the winter. In the summer following they went back; and on their coming back in autumn they told their tidings that Bjorn was admitted to atonement in Norway. Bjorn was with Skallagrim for yet a third winter. But next spring he made him ready for departure with his following. And when Bjorn was ready for going, then Bera said she would fain have Asgerdr, her foster-child, left-behind. This Bjorn accepted, and the girl was left behind and brought up with Skallagrim's family. Thorolf, Skallagrim's son, settled to go with Bjorn, and Skallagrim gave him mean for the journey. So he went abroad in the summer with Bjorn. Their voyage sped well, and they came off the main into Sogn-sea. Bjorn then sailed into Sogn, and thence on home to his father, and Thorolf with him. Brynjolf received them joyfully. Then word was sent to Thorir Hroaldsson. He and Brynjolf set a time for a meeting; to this meeting Bjorn also came. He and Thorir there ratified their atonement. Then Thorir paid out of hand such property in his house as belonged to Thora; and thereafter Thorir and Bjorn were good brothers-in-law and friends. Bjorn then stayed at home at Aurland with Brynjolf, Thorolf also being there in much favour both with father and son.


Kafli 35

Fædd Ásgerður

Þóra ól barn um sumarið og var það mær. Var hún vatni ausin og nafn gefið og hét Ásgerður. Bera fékk til konu að gæta meyjarinnar.

Björn var um veturinn með Skalla-Grími og allir skipverjar hans. Þórólfur gerði sér títt við Björn og var honum fylgjusamur.

En er vor kom þá var það einhvern dag að Þórólfur gekk til máls við föður sinn og spurði hann þess hvert ráð hann vildi leggja til við Björn veturgest sinn, eða hverja ásjá hann vildi honum veita. Grímur spurði Þórólf hvað hann ætlaðist fyrir.

„Það ætla eg,“ segir Þórólfur, „að Björn vildi helst fara til Noregs ef hann mætti þar í friði vera. Þætti mér það ráð fyrir liggja faðir að þú sendir menn til Noregs að bjóða sættir fyrir Björn og mun Þórir mikils virða orð þín.“

Svo kom Þórólfur fyrirtölum sínum að Skalla-Grímur skipaðist við og fékk menn til utanferðar um sumarið. Fóru þeir menn með orðsendingar og jartegnir til Þóris Hróaldssonar og leituðu um sættir með þeim Birni. En þegar er Brynjólfur vissi þessa orðsending þá lagði hann allan hug á að bjóða sættir fyrir Björn. Kom þá svo því máli að Þórir tók sættir fyrir Björn því að hann sá það að þá var svo komið að Björn þurfti þá ekki að óttast um sig. Tók Brynjólfur þá sættum fyrir Björn en sendimenn Gríms voru um veturinn með Þóri en Björn var þann vetur með Skalla-Grími.

En eftir um sumarið fóru sendimenn Skalla-Gríms aftur. En er þeir komu aftur um haustið þá sögðu þeir þau tíðindi að Björn var í sætt tekinn í Noregi. Björn var hinn þriðja vetur með Skalla-Grími en eftir um vorið bjóst hann til brottferðar og sú sveit manna er honum hafði þangað fylgt.

En er Björn var búinn ferðar sinnar þá sagði Bera að hún vill að Ásgerður fóstra hennar sé eftir en þau Björn þekktust það og var mærin eftir og fæddist þar upp með þeim Skalla-Grími.

Þórólfur son Skalla-Gríms réðst til ferðar með Birni og fékk Skalla-Grímur honum fararefni. Fór hann utan um sumarið með Birni. Greiddist þeim vel og komu af hafi utan að Sognsæ. Sigldi Björn þá inn í Sogn og fór síðan heim til föður síns. Fór Þórólfur heim með honum. Tók Brynjólfur þá við þeim feginsamlega.

Síðan voru ger orð Þóri Hróaldssyni. Lögðu þeir Brynjólfur stefnu sín í milli. Kom þar og Björn til þeirrar stefnu. Tryggðu þeir Þórir þá sættir með sér. Síðan greiddi Þórir af hendi fé það er Þóra átti í hans garði og síðan tóku þeir upp, Þórir og Björn, vináttu með tengdum. Var Björn þá heima á Aurlandi með Brynjólfi. Þórólfur var og þar í allgóðu yfirlæti af þeim feðgum.



