Njála, 101

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Chapter 101


The spring after Thangbrand set out to preach Christianity, and Hall went with him. But when they came west across Lonsheath to Staffell, there they found a man dwelling named Thorkell. He spoke most against the faith, and challenged Thangbrand to single combat. Then Thangbrand bore a rood-cross (1) before his shield, and the end of their combat was that Thangbrand won the day and slew Thorkell.

Thence they fared to Hornfirth and turned in as guests at Borgarhaven, west of Heinabergs sand. There Hilldir the Old dwelt (2), and then Hilldir and all his household took upon them the new faith.

Thence they fared to Fellcombe, and went in as guests to Calffell. There dwelt Kol Thorstein's son, Hall's kinsman, and he took upon him the faith and all his house.

Thence they fared to Swinefell, and Flosi only took the sign of the cross, but gave his word to back them at the Thing.

Thence they fared west to Woodcombe, and went in as guests at Kirkby. There dwelt Surt Asbjorn's son, the son of Thorstein, the son of Kettle the Foolish. These had all of them been Christians from father to son.

After that they fared out of Woodcombe on to Headbrink. By that time the story of their journey was spread far and wide. There was a man named Sorcerer-Hedinn who dwelt in Carlinedale. There heathen men made a bargain with him that he should put Thangbrand to death with all his company. He fared upon Arnstacksheath, and there made a great sacrifice when Thangbrand was riding from the east. Then the earth burst asunder under his horse, but he sprang off his horse and saved himself on the brink of the gulf, but the earth swallowed up the horse and all his harness, and they never saw him more.

Then Thangbrand praised God.


(1) Rood-cross, a crucifix. (2) His son was Glum who fared to the burning with Flosi.


Kafli 101

Um vorið eftir fór Þangbrandur að boða kristni og Hallur með honum. En er þeir komu vestur um Lónsheiði til Stafafells, þar bjó Þorkell. Hann mælti mest í móti trúnni og skoraði Þangbrandi á hólm. Þá bar Þangbrandur róðukross fyrir skjöldinn en þó lauk svo með þeim að Þangbrandur hafði sigur og drap Þorkel.

Þaðan fóru þeir til Hornafjarðar og gistu í Borgarhöfn fyrir vestan Heinabergssand. Þar bjó Hildir hinn gamli. Hans son var Glúmur er fór til brennu með Flosa. Þar tók við trú Hildir og hjú hans öll.

Þaðan fóru þeir til Fellshverfis og gistu að Kálfafelli. Þar bjó Kolur Þorsteinsson frændi Halls og tók hann við trú og hjú hans öll.

Þaðan fóru þeir til Svínafells og tók Flosi prímsigning en hét að fylgja þeim á þingi.

Þaðan fóru þeir vestur til Skógahverfis og gistu í Kirkjubæ. Þar bjó Svartur Ásbjarnarson Þorsteinssonar Ketilssonar hins fíflska. Þeir höfðu allir verið kristnir langfeðgar.

Eftir það fóru þeir úr Skógahverfi og til Höfðabrekku. Þá spurðist allt um ferðir þeirra.

Maður hét Galdra-Héðinn er bjó í Kerlingardal. Þar keyptu heiðnir menn að honum að hann skyldi deyða Þangbrand og föruneyti hans. Hann fór upp á Arnarstakksheiði og efldi þar blót mikið.

Þá er Þangbrandur reið austan þá brast í sundur jörðin undir hesti hans en hann hljóp af hestinum og komst upp á bakkann en jörðin svalg hestinn með öllum reiðingi og sáu þeir hann aldrei síðan. Þá lofaði Þangbrandur guð.

